The construction of the light rail has reached the southern part of Otaniemi. In addition to building the light rail, all of the road structures are going to be renewed, including pedestrian and cycling routes. The street construction project will also include works such as renewing the municipal technology, moving electricity and data cables and the district heating grid, and reinforcing the ground before building the street and rail structures.
On Monday 1 March, traffic arrangements will change in Otaniemi when Miestentie is reopened to traffic and the Vuorimiehentie and Otaniementie roundabout is removed from use. A connection from Otaniementie to Vuorimiehentie will remain open. The bus route 550 will change due to the special arrangements.
Motor vehicles
Miestentie will be reopened to motor vehicle traffic. The Vuorimiehentie and Otaniementie roundabout will be permanently removed and replaced with a normal intersection.
Pedestrians and cyclists
The pedestrian and cycling connections in the area will remain throughout the construction process, but their routes will be altered based on the construction stages.
Public transport
The bus route 550 will move to Vuorimiehentie, Otaniementie and Miestentie.
The bus stop E2229 on Otaniementie will be permanently removed from use.
A new temporary bus stop E2233 Luolamiehentie will be introduced at Otakaari to improve metro connections on routes 108N, 111 and 552. The stop will be removed from use later, in connection with route changes planned for the autumn.
Work will primarily be carried out between 7 am and 6 pm on weekdays. We may perform some less noisy work in the evenings between 6 and 10 pm, at weekends and on weekday holidays.