Construction of the Jokeri Light Rail affecting traffic in the Helsinki metropolitan area – temporary traffic arrangements in August–September

The construction of the Jokeri Light Rail will be affecting traffic in the Helsinki metropolitan area in the coming years. Temporary traffic arrangements that change pedestrian, cycling, motor traffic and public transport routes during construction will be implemented in the vicinity of worksites. More detailed information on these arrangements is provided on the Jokeri Light Rail website and on signs near worksites.

The temporary traffic arrangements are being implemented in phases and the arrangements will change in accordance with the phases of the construction project. Information about the temporary traffic arrangements and alternative routes is provided through means such as signs near the worksites and via announcements on the Jokeri Light Rail website and social media. HSL provides more details about diverted public transport routes via its own communication channels.

Traffic arrangements in August and September

  • The pedestrian and cycling route on Maarintie has been moved to the northern side of the street. An approximately 250-metre stretch of Maarintie west of Tietotie will be closed to vehicle traffic at the start of September. Parts of Tietotie will have alternating one-way traffic.
  • The pedestrian and cycling route on the southern side of Maarinrannantie will be closed in mid-August and the city bike station will be moved slightly at the start of August.
  • The pedestrian and cycling route running south–north through Kurkijoenpuisto will be closed in September.
  • The construction of the new Impilahdensilta bridge over Turunväylä is currently scheduled to commence in September. Traffic on Turunväylä may be temporarily stopped for short periods due to blasting. Some of the lanes on the ramps leading to Turunväylä will be temporarily closed and the road’s lanes will be narrowed in places. Speed limits will also be reduced near the worksite.
  • On-street parking spaces have been removed from the western side of Linnoitustie and the driving lane will be moved closer to the office buildings. Parts of the road will have alternating one-way traffic and traffic will be stopped for the duration of excavation blasting. The Etuvartio bus stop will be temporarily closed from 5 August onwards.
  • 60 resident parking spaces will be removed from Alberganesplanadi at the start of September, replacement parking spaces will be built on nearby streets during the summer.
  • It is predicted that Ravitie will remain closed to motor vehicle traffic until the end of August 2020. The substitute route goes via Turuntie and Pitäjämäentie. The western end of Ravitie (Perkkaantie–Vermonrinteenkuja) is also closed to pedestrian and cycling until further notice.
  • On Pitäjänmäentie, lane arrangements and pedestrian and cycling arrangements will remain as they are at the Pajamäentie, Purotie and Takomotie junctions. Purotie, which is currently closed at the Pitäjänmäentie junction, will be reopened to traffic in August.
  • In July–August, pedestrian and cycling traffic at the junction of Eliel Saarisen tie and Isonnevankuja will be directed to the northern side of Isonnevankuja.
  • The Huopalahti tunnel will be closed to motor vehicle traffic as of 12 August, and is predicted to be reopened in late 2021. Train passengers will be able to transfer between train platforms via the tunnel throughout the construction. Trunk line 550 and lines 41 and 552, which currently run via the tunnel, will be switched to an alternate route.
  • There will be momentary traffic interruptions on Pirkkolantie under the Hämeenlinnanväylä bridge during August as well as small changes in pedestrian and cycling routes. Traffic on Hämeenlinnanväylä may also need to be temporarily stopped due to blasting carried out near the edges of the bridge.
  • The eastern end of Pirkkolantie (Metsäpurontie–Maunulantie) is predicted to remain closed to motor vehicle traffic until late autumn 2020. Temporary traffic arrangements on Pirjontie are moving eastward.
  • The new bypass constructed on the western side of the Pirjontien and Pakilantie roundabout will be opened for use in late August.
  • Norrtäljentie is predicted to remain closed to motor vehicle traffic until the end of 2020. The substitute route goes via Mestarintie, Mäkitorpantie and Siltavoudintie.
  • Veräjä will remain closed to all traffic until the end of the year. The substitute route is Oulunkyläntie–Kirkkoherrantie–Jokiniementie–Otto Brandtin tie.
  • The pedestrian and cycling route on Maarintie will be moved to the northern side of the street between Tulvaniitynpolku and Vantaanjoki.
  • On Maaherrantie near Lahdenväylä, the construction of the new tramway bridge will cause changes in the routes of trunk line 550 and interruptions in traffic to Lahdenväylä during blasting.
  • Viikinportinkatu will be closed to motor vehicle traffic as of 1 August and is predicted to remain closed until the end of October.
  • A temporary pedestrian and cycling lane has been set up on the western side of the so-called Viikinsuora part of Viikintie.
  • Varikkotie is predicted to remain closed to motor vehicle traffic until the end of 2022.