The construction of the light rail line at Huopalahti station is nearing completion. As a result, trunk line 550 and line 52 will return to their normal routes on Eliel Saarisen tie at Huopalahti station as of Monday 13 December 2021. This will also make transfers between commuter trains and buses easier for passengers.
Trunk line 550 will return to its normal route of Pirkkolantie – Eliel Saarisen tie – Pitäjänmäentie. The route’s stops on Eliel Saarisen tie are Ilkantie, Huopalahden asema and Vihdintie. The line will thus no longer use the alternate route of Nuijamiestentie – Hämeenlinnanväylä – Vihdintie and the Metsäläntie and Talontie stops.
Line 52 will also start driving via Eliel Saarisen tie at Huopalahti station again as of 13 December 2021. As a result, the line will no longer be stopping at the following stops: Eliel Saarisen tie, Haagan ammattikoulu, Mäkipellon aukio, Tunnelitie, Palokaivon aukio, Haagan urheilukenttä, Angervotie and Riistavuori.
The opening of the Huopalahti station route will coincide with the closing of the intersection between Eliel Saarisen tie and Nuijamiestentie. The intersection will remain closed for pipe and cable transfers and the construction of structural layers and the light rail line until summer 2022. As a result, neighbourhood bus 31 will adopt a temporary alternate route via Eliel Saarisen tie and Ilkantie, as a result of which the line will no longer be stopping at the stops on Santavuorentie. Other motor vehicle traffic will be directed to Huovitie and Ilkantie.
Trunk line 550 will continue to operate between Itäkeskus and Keilaniemi until the commissioning of the light rail line, which is planned to take place in early 2024. Line 52 will continue to operate via Huopalahti station even after the light rail line becomes operational.