The planned operating hours are 04:30 a.m.–01:00 a.m. On weekdays, during the rush hours (at 06:30 a.m.–09:30 a.m.), the interval is 5 minutes. At night (09:00 p.m.–01:00 a.m.), the interval is 20 min, and at other times, the interval is 10 min. On weekends, the interval is 10 min during the day (10:00 a.m. –07:00 p.m.) and 20 min in the morning and night (05:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. and 07:00 p.m.–01:00 a.m.).
The operating hours and intervals are only indicative, and will be specified further before the line starts operating.
The operating hours and intervals are affected by the constantly updated predictions on the number of residents living next to the light rail line and the general forecasts for the use of public transport. The intervals also depend on the general policies regarding the service level of public transport, which, in turn, are affected by the changes in society and mobility, such as the changes to the use of services, digitalisation and changes to working life.