What are the best places for spotting the light rail trams in Roihupelto, Viikki and Oulunkylä?

The best places for spotting the light rail trams are places where spotting will not obstruct other traffic or the test runs. In Roihupelto, you can follow the starting of the test runs on Viilarintie, opposite the depot. On Viikintie, there is a good spot for watching the test runs on the pedestrian and cycling bridge in east Viikki. On Viikinsuora, there is also a good spot along the pedestrian route between the cycling path and the track. A good spot on Viikinkaari is the yard deck between Info Centre Corona and Biocentre 1. In Viikinmäki, you can watch the test runs from the Harjannetie overpass. There is also a rest spot next to the Maaherrantie electricity supply station with stone benches.

Instructions for photographing the test runs:

  • Do not take pictures while driving (If you are taking pictures, do not drive. If you are driving, do not take pictures.)
  • Take others into consideration in traffic
  • Maintain a safe distance from the trams and other traffic
  • Do not obstruct traffic
  • Arrive using public transport, a bicycle or on foot
  • Did you spot a tram? Share your picture on social media using the hashtag #Pikaratikka550